NGOs Registration and Licensing Services

NGOs Registration and Licensing Services

ADVIS is majorly expert in registration of Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) or Non-Government Organizations (NGO). Majorly in Pakistan, Four (04) types of entities register NPOs/NGOs, which includes:

  • Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (Section 42 License)
  • The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration And Control) Ordinance 1961
  • The Societies Registration Act, 1860
  • The Trust Act, 1882


Advis helps organization to get registration in above registration authorities and also helps the organization meet the licensing criteria of Section 42 registered companies.


Non-profit and welfare organizations:

FBR Tax Credits and Section 2(36)

NPOs approved by the tax authorities at various levels have an entitlement to some additional benefits i.e. tax credits / exemptions on different utility bills, property income, custom duties etc. In Pakistan, the tax benefits are provided in the Section 61C, Section 100C and Section 159 of the Income Tax Ordinance (ITO), 2001 and Rule 211-220 of Income Tax Rules (ITR), 2002. This provides an elaborate system whereby the NPOs get tax benefits with reference to their defined activities. From the attainment of NPO status the organization needs to be approved under Section 2(36) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The above approval is obtained through provision of relevant documents and effective liaising with tax authorities. ADVIS can ease out the above process and help you obtain the relevant approvals and tax credits.

PCP’s Certification

Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP) provides the certification. The process of obtaining certification from PCP requires a large number of steps. Therefore, Advis offers its services in getting the certification from the Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP) as it is especially required for non-profit organization (NPOs/NGOs).

The services are:

  • Drafting application for certification from Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)
  • Drafting of Policies and Procedures as per the standards of Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)
  • Guidance to maintain records/files under the standards of Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)
  • Assist in replying to queries for evaluation of the organization during the certification process from Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)
  • Application for renewal of certification from Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)

Economic Affairs Division’s Approval

Economic Affairs Division is responsible for assessment of requirements, programming and negotiations of external economic assistance related to the Government of Pakistan and its constituent units from foreign Governments and multilateral agencies.

Government of Pakistan in 2013 introduced the “Policy for Regulation of Organizations Receiving Foreign Contribution”. This policy serves as a framework to facilitate the NGO sector in accessing foreign funding for their planned activities. It is important to note that under the said policy an NGO enters into MoU with the EAD for receiving funding directly from an external donor. This funding is project specific/area specific and covers defined set of activities. EAD on receipt of a proposal from NGO scrutinizes the proposal as per Policy 2013 and undertakes the necessary process of consultation with federal and provincial stakeholders. Based on this process, EAD approves and sometimes disapproves the project proposals submitted by the NGOs which do not meet the requirements of policy.

The process of obtaining approval from EAD requires a large number of steps. Therefore, Advis offers its services in getting the approval from the EAD as it is especially required for non-profit organization (NPOs/INGOs).

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Financial & AuditTaxationNGOs Registration & LicensingCorporate Registration & LicensingProgram Support Consulting?


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03108315606 / 051-8748624

Office No. 24, Third Floor, Twin City Plaza, I-8 Markaz, Islamabad

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    Advis Consulting's expert team has vast experience in helping our clients meet their financial goals. We excel at helping the clients grow and reach their best financial position, which is why we have a robust client base of non-profit organizations, corporate and business entities, and individuals. Our specialties include audit, tax, outsourced accounting and risk advisory, but we also consult with our clients on all types of financial matters.


    Office No. 201, 2nd Floor, Chenab Center, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad

